Investment approach financial planning

financial advisor

Establishing your course

How we bring your vision to life is unique to you. We’re here to help you at every level with big ideas, realistic plans, and side-by-side advice. And it all begins with a single question: What is your vision for the future?

How we create a strategy that is special to you and your circumstances
We want to assist you in making the future you see. We’ll work together to evaluate your risk tolerance and develop quantifiable, actionable financial goals based on what’s important to you and why. We’ll walk alongside you on your journey, sharing strategies that will help you get closer to the future you see for yourself.

Step 1: Where am I at the moment?

It’s challenging to prepare for the future without first grasping your current situation. We’ll collaborate to define and prioritize your needs, ascertain your risk tolerance, and verify the effect of your current financial situation. Tax, expenditures, and investments all factor in. Discussing these factors helps influence the advice we give you and the plans we develop together.

Step 2: Where do I wish to be?

After we ascertain your current position, the next move is to determine your desired position. What does your future vision entail? Why are you investing? What is important to you?

This discussion is critical. We’ll use what we learn and our resources to turn your vision into a specific, concrete objective and create a written plan for tracking your progress.

Step 3: Am I able to get there?

You understand where you are, what you want to do in the future, and the level of risk you are willing to take to get there. Now we will assist you in determining the critical question – am I able to get there? We’ll evaluate what you’re doing now and decide what needs to improve to get you closer to your goals.

Step 4: How am I going to get there?

The first three phases include vital details for developing your strategy – your needs, the individuals, locations, and objectives most important to you, your attitude toward risk, progress toward your goals, and current investment plans. All of this material assists in developing a financial plan. It also serves as a guide for the road, reminding us why we are investing and what we want to accomplish in life.

All of this is taken into account, as are the firm’s investment values. And we locate the investments, security, and services necessary to get you there.

Additionally, it would be best if you considered the costs associated with these investments and services. As such, we’ll walk you through any fees upfront to ensure you’re happy and onboard.

How do I stay on track in Step 5?

This final phase is critical. After developing a sound plan, we’ll collaborate to ensure that you remain on track. And, because we are both aware of how quickly life may change when we least expect it, we will be there to work with you as you navigate through any unforeseen events that might arise over time. This is more than what we do in the workplace – it’s about checking in with you and your family or company regularly, answering any questions you might have, and revisiting your priorities and plan to ensure they remain aligned.

Combining it all

It’s easy to begin this journey. By responding to a few questions, you will assist us in determining what is most important to you, and we will proceed from there. Begin by contacting WAG Consulting financial advisor. Your initial consultation is complimentary.

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Are you considering your financial future? Our starting point tool will assist you in your initial steps.